
GIF making practice:
using various computer programmes and techniques including Adobe  Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Procreate, Stop-motion using a phone app,  and Adobe Illustrator.

Inspired by everything above I created those 6 GIFs to communicate my manifestos around consumerism.

We are being CONNED to consume more and more stuff we don't need. We are being bombarded by the advertisements from every direction wherever we go. Inspired by that idea I designed this GIF to look as if it the word is being absorbed into the nothingness, starting with a large red word CON drawing our attention with the colour and size, followed by US in red reading out CONME - CON ME.
Consumerism desensitises us. We are so used to wasting products and buying for aesthetic purposes only. Consumerism creates waste and therefore is the main cause of crime, pollution and climate change in modern world. 
Planned obsolescence. Products are deliberately made cheaply and won't last for long, we are encouraged to buy more and more to replace goods producing 
Temporary happyness. Satisfaction after buying something new rarely lasts for long, we enjoy the product for a short time and then we start to wish for something new and better over-and-over again.
Consumerism is vicious circle. We study to work and work to shop, the life seems to evolve around money and consumerism, it's a vicious and often very stressful circle of habits and social norms. The more we work and study the more capital we have got to spend, the life seems to go by faster-and-faster.
We are being brainwashed by the media to buy buy buy. Letters in this GIF consist of white noise and glitches from TV screens reflecting our confused state mindlessly believing everything that is broadcasted through an electronic box into our brains.
P1-GIF Manifestos

P1-GIF Manifestos
